Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Do You Keep Seeing 11:11?

Do You Keep Seeing 11:11?

If you are seeing 11:11 you are not alone! Somewhere around August or September 2013 , it started to happen to me. I passed it off for a little while as just coincidence but as it continued, I started to get the picture that it wasn't.

I discussed it with family and friends but did not get any help from them as they had not experienced it and told me I was crazy. Every time I would look at a clock 11:11 was there to greet me. Sometimes the clocks would freeze and guess what time it froze on? 11:11 was driving me nuts! It then went even further and started to show up on license plates, addresses I was going to, and phone numbers!

After I acknowledge that this was no coincidence and that there was some kind of meaning behind this , I began to see more number sequences such as 111, 22, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 77, 777, 88, 999, 1010, 1212, and 1234! Enough was enough, it was time to see what the internet could tell me about this. Thanks to more and more websites coming about I finally know what this awesome phenomenon is!

11:11 is a time prompt to get your attention. They also refer to it as the "wake up", "reminder" and "correcting time". The Midwayers , who are a group of 1,111 angels are behind the time prompts and have chosen us for various reasons to receive them! Below I have listed some of the reasons.

1.) Your genetically capable of responding to the Midwayer's thought direction. Not everyone has that specific genetic make up.

2.) You have what's called an Advanced Thought Corrector. This is also called "Indwelling Spirit", "God Fragment", "The Higher Self" or the "Oversoul". Whatever you would like to call it, it wants you to get involved with the Midwayers.

3.) You have a special talent where you have influence with many people such as if you are an artist, a writer, a film maker, a healer, social policy makers and such others that may be of use to the Midwayers.

4.) You may have lost someone close to you who has gone onto the mansion worlds (The 7 training worlds of mortal ascension) who has requested that you be prompted.

It could be one or more of these reasons that you have been selected.

When I found all of this out I said to myself, "Ok , so I have been selected to see number sequences? What's the deal here?" Lol! I had to add in some humor! Turns out there is an even bigger behind why the Midwayers are prompting us. This is where the "wake up" and "reminder" plays in. We literally need to do that.

As we all know, on December, 21st, 2012, there was no great apocalypse as predicted. We laughed it off and threw it in the garbage pale next to Y2k. That date, as it turns out was a turning point for our world and we were just misinformed on purpose to keep us in the dark. December, 21st, 2012 was the date planned long ago to bring in the "New Age" and to bring our world to liberation from the dark ones.

The story is absolutely mind blowing but, I knew subconsciously that this was truth and as I awaken I am beginning to remember everything. Also, the chips that have been impanted into us along with our brainwashing schools doesn't help much to remember anything either. We need to be more open minded and look within ourselves for the truth because we chose to live in this life time to assist with this.

Long ago, an angel cut off from Source "God" because he was curious to see what it would feel like to be a tree, a plant, a rock etc. He soon realized this did not feel so good and regretted it so he decided to go back. He became trapped and called upon others to help him. They too, became trapped with him. They are now what are call "the dark ones" and have taken over our planet as well as others but those planets have been liberated and we are the last to be freed from the dark ones.

Fortunately there are good beings here to rid our planet of them. There are several galactic organizations that are fighting for us including one by the name of The Guardian Alliance. This alliance spans 15 dimensions and yes, some of them are extra-terrestrial in nature! We have galactic brother and sisters!

We were selected for those various reasons to assist with the coming of the new age, ascension to the 5th dimension and to spread this knowledge onto others that do not yet know. We chose this role before we were born and I don't know about you, but I am very excited to be apart of this and want to come together with my brothers and sisters who were also selected to become stronger and support one another!

There are many beings there to assist us and all you have to do is call upon them for help. Once you acknowledge that you are here to help carry out this plan, your tasks will subconsciously come to you. Our tasks have already been programmed into us and this is why it comes subconsciously. As a matter of fact, before I realized I was apart of it I was already doing it! There is no manual for this, just do what calls to you and go with the flow.

I do however, want to give you some advice to get you on the right track which would have been beneficial to me if I had gotten it because it took me a few months to find out. So here they are:

1.) Start meditating. We must activate our DNA and promote spiritual growth. YouTube offers various beneficial meditation videos. Simply search for DNA activation meditation.

2.) Read up! The history I have provided is pretty vague. I recommend starting out with Thanks to Alexandra Meadors, you can read our galactic history and happenings in great detail on that website. Also, if you simply google 11:11 time prompt you will find several web pages now about it.

3.) Call upon the Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and Source to help you along your life path. Start to develop relationships with them because they are very helpful.

4.) Get social! I know all too well this is hard for some of us but we must come together. If we unite and work together, we can help the ascension to the 5th dimension come much quicker.

That's about it!

I am also very interested in starting some kind of a support group if there is not already one that exists here in Colorado. If you know of one please let me know! If you don't and are interested in this as well please email me at For all others outside of Colorado, don't feel left out! You are free to email me as well! I could always use more pen pals! Please, I only want emails from those who share my beliefs.

I hope this informed you well! Stay tuned to more topics on this matter! I wish you all luck along your life path! Love and Light to you all!

Love Micky